Water guard basement garage flooding
In January the customer contacted SoCal and was interested in the Water Guard for a drainage system with a driveway that sloped. They were not sure on how we could help them. James went to the appointment and explained what could be done and gave them an estimate. Here are a few items that we put on the estimate that we felt would help their situation. In February the work was scheduled and we started in March, the challenge was that owner would have to excavate over 9 vertical feet of earth and up to 20 feet back behind the garage to install a french drain system that protected the garage, Our system design interior drainage to flow with gravity and no sump pump mechanicals out to his street into a distribution box unseen percolating in a lower planter box
W/G Gravity drain-slope to asphalt driveway ,slab cut to planter box front approach, Garage slab 4”x4”excavation 35-40lf to footer depth |
We started the work in March and below you will see what was done plus a few pictures.:
W/G Gravity drain-slope to asphalt driveway ,slab cut to planter box front approach
Excavation and installation 15-20 gallons distribution box rock filtered toe into discharge line.
Finish work concrete reinforced trench/tamper/pour asphalt seal next day
Distribution box overflow to daylight 5-10’ down stream
Garage slab 4"x4" excavation 35-40 LF to footer depth.
Drill 3/4" weep holes -3", -4" below grade thru foundation grout lines off adjacent crawlspace/garage
Water Guard installation at 35-40 lf backfill toe with 3/4" gravel water test system
Water Guard system overlay moisture stop Overlay Mortar float broom finish
Interior garage foundation wall coating system sealer Miracote Membrane-C 400 sq ft. Strip and clean wall with wire brushes, acid wash surfaces, rinse, apply Miracote Membrane-C.
Also as a courtesy service we helped them move the items in there garage around so we could complete our work.
Project Summary
system designer: Anthony Armstron